Medireach unlocks the potential of communities to advance their own comprehensive well-being
Medireach unlocks the potential of communities to advance their own comprehensive well-being
Medireach is a Kenyan-founded, Kenyan-led organization rooted in the communities we serve. When it comes to improving health outcomes, we believe that communities should be in the driver's seat–no one can identify challenges and solutions better than communities themselves. Our model centers communities as leaders and change-makers breaking cycles of inequity.
We empower communities in situations of poverty
We must act, continue to act, and act together
We have a vision of a just world, a world where people are valued and treated equally,
a world without poverty. You can make a difference!
Quality of education is now the highest priority
Only one-third of the world has achieved the goal of education for all, with only
half of the countries attaining universal primary enrolment.
Schooling solutions and quality education for all
Values-based education through trained teachers and interactive digital content.
Extreme inequality and essential services
In countries around the world, a small elite are taking an ever-increasing share of their nation’s income, while hundreds of millions of people are still living without access to clean water and without enough food to feed their families.
Extreme inequality is hurting us all, but it is the poorest people who suffer most, especially women and girls. No matter how hard they work, far too many suffer the indignity of poverty wages and are denied basic rights.
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